Father G’s take on the “so-called” Washington Capital insurrection

After reviewing the video coverage of the January 6, 2021 storming of the capital building, it is absolutely clear that there was no insurrection. For the most part, it was a forceful, but orderly slow-paced protest.

Here are the facts:

The protestors meandered to the capital, pushed the cops aside, and slowly and orderly filed towards the parliament chamber. As they attempted to enter the chamber and exercise their constitutional rights to address their grievances to the assembly, a fearful, neurotic cop shot and killed at least one protestor.

Now, according to US code – title 18, articles 241 and 242, any member of government – legislators, governors, presidents, lawyers, judges, militarists, agents, and law enforcement officers – who violate any citizen’s constitutional rights, and causes the death of that civilian – must be arrested, imprisoned, tried, convicted, and executed for murder. At this point in time, every person on government, including the entire supreme court should be indicted and imprisoned, and many of them paying the ultimate price for their crimes.

Bottom line – there was no insurrection. The real crime is being perpetrated by the communist government-industrial cartel, soon to be headed up by members of the American communist part: Biden and Harris.

To try to make their case, weak communist female legislators and (male?) scared bunnies are being interviewed and promoted by socialist media – like PBS. It is high time to sweep aside all of the anti-Bill of Rights levitical “laws”, and return to the basic foundations that the country was founded on – liberty and freedom.

All gun control, and medication control, is not only anti-constitutional, it is the sure sign of tyrannical communism perpetrated by the social democrat (communist) party!

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