Phoenix UAV Gas Turbine

In April 2003, Ken Rieli announced the next development phase of his Phoenix InterSceptor UAV program.

Building on the 100-year old boundary layer disk turbine designs of Nikola Tesla, the Phoenix UAV gas turbine sets a new standard for 21st century aircraft powerplants.

By employing proprietary geometry enhancements, Ken Rieli’s pulse detonation combustion and non-exotic materials, the Phoenix UAV Gas Turbine delivers great power density at the right price.

Phoenix UAV Turbine SpecsConcept, Projected
Designer/DeveloperKen Rieli
Turbine TypeTesla boundary layer – improved geometry
Length18″ case, 24″ overall
Weight85 lbs.
FuelHeavy, JP
Meantime before Overhaul50,000 hrs +

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